Mexican Sweet Tamales

Here we bring you this delicious recipe for Mexican sweet tamales, one of the favorite traditional dishes of Mexico. We hope you like it.

Mexican Sweet Tamales

Mexican Sweet Tamales Recipe

  • ½ kg of flour for a tamale or cocoa powder
  • 1 tablespoon of baking powder
  • 1 tablespoon of salt
  • 250 grams of vegetable shortening or shortening
  • 1 can of condensed milk
  • 50 grams of sugar (¼ cup)
  • 100 milliliters of milk
  • 2 drops of food coloring
  • Leaves for tamale
  • Raisins and coconut milk (optional)

Tamales Elaboration

1- You beat the vegetable shortening until it acquires a cream texture between 10 – 15 min.
2- In another container, you mix the dry ingredients: the tamale flour, the baking powder, the teaspoon of salt, and the sugar.
3- On the other hand, you begin to hydrate the tamale leaves. To do this, in a container with warm water, you place the leaves and let them rest for 15 minutes.
4- When the butter is well beaten, you add the dry ingredients little by little.
5- You incorporate the milliliters of milk and the can of condensed milk, and you mix again. Now, you can add drops of vegetable coloring to give the color you like to your dulce de leche tamales.
6- Once the dough and the hydrated leaves are ready, you begin to assemble your sweet tamales. To do this, you add a portion of dough to the sheet, distribute it from the center upwards, and add some raisins.
7- You pass your tamales to a pot to cook them in a bain-marie. You arrange them vertically to prevent them from opening during cooking, cover them with more tamale leaves, and let the pot cook for an hour over low heat.
8- After cooking, remove the tamales and serve them immediately. I recommend accompanying them with a delicious coffee or milk. Pink sweet tamales are traditional, but remember that you can make them in different flavors by adding chopped pineapple, grated coconut, blueberries, chopped peaches, raspberries, chopped walnuts, jam, banana, strawberries, or the fruit that you like the most. Thus, you will obtain a variety of delicious sweet tamales filled.

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